About the Geneva SDG Community

Geneva, as the European headquarters of the UN, and host to over 40 international organizations, and almost 700 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), has a unique ecosystem of actors working on implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Geneva SDG Community is a dynamic network of individuals operating in this unique ecosystem to advance the SDGs globally. It mobilizes the expertise and capacity of Geneva-based actors to accelerate the SDGs and long-term sustainability.

(If you would like to know more about the partnership between IISD and SDG Lab, read this article.)

Join the Community

Are you based in Geneva and interested in joining a network of professionals working towards achieving the SDGs? Then sign up below to receive information about upcoming community events and activities.

Pro tip: Make sure to save our email address, so to not miss a message from us in your spam folder.
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More Ways to Get Involved!

Join the Geneva SDG Community Coffee, a monthly meetup for you to connect, exchange, and expand your knowledge of ongoing SDG-related work in Geneva and beyond. Sign up to the Geneva SDG Community newsletter to get notified about the next Community Coffee.

Join our chat group to share and receive updates about events, report, learning opportunities and more.

Latest News

So What's Next Series: Emotions - A Missing Link Towards Long-Term Sustainability?

We are at the midpoint to 2030 and progress on the SDGs is nowhere where it should be. There are valid questions to be asked as to why the international community is not delivering on the promise of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. Arguably, the lack of progress has led to frustration, complacency and ultimately inaction. So, what’s the missing link? Is it agency? Do people feel empowered to act? Are we omitting human emotions and psychology from the equation? Join us for a panel discussion on 29 November, 16h-17h30 followed by an Apéro, at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.
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So What's Next Series: Rethinking Economic Systems for Long-term Sustainable Development

Without a radical transformation of our economic systems, we will not be able to honour the commitments and promise of the Sustainable Development Goals for a sustainable future that is equitable and leaves no one behind. On 31 October 2023, as part of the SDG Lab’s What’s Next Series, the SDG Lab organized an event on ‘Rethinking Economic Systems to Achieve Long-term Sustainability.’ It brought together influential speakers from the UN and various civil society organizations (CSOs) to address the urgent need for a paradigm shift in our economic systems.
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Local Data: Empowering Sustainable Development through Local Knowledge

This workshop hosted by the SDG Lab on 26 June, explored the importance of local data in understanding and addressing the specific challenges related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the regional, city, and community levels.
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Meet the Community!

Elise Zerrath

Associate Expert, Sustainable Development and Gender Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

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Kali Taylor

BBW Coordinator

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Trine Schmidt

International Institute for Sustainable Development / SDG Lab at UN Geneva

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Events Calendar

There are current no upcoming events.
Geneva SDG Community Coffee: Data for Peace
Geneva Graduate Institute
Geneva SDG Community Coffee: The Best of SDGs in Action 2022
Geneva Graduate Institute
Geneva SDG Community Coffee: Standards for the SDGs
Geneva Graduate Institute
SDG Community Coffee: Foresight Strategies in Sustainable Development
CERN - IdeaSquare
SDG Lunch Collider
Geneva SDG Community Coffee - What's Next for Sustainable Development?
Geneva, Switzerland
Contextualizing Sustainability through Data Governance at the Local Level
Keeping Commitments For a Sustainable Future: The Road To 2030 and Beyond
Maison de la paix, Geneva
So What's Next Series: Emotions - A Missing Link Towards Long-Term Sustainability?
Building H, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Operating Principles
Knowledge Mobilization
Policy and Practice Innovation
Partnership Building, Alignment, Amplification

The International Institute for Sustainable Development's mission is to promote human development and environmental sustainability through innovative research, communication, and partnerships.
Established in 1990, IISD is an independent, non-profit organization that provides practical solutions to the challenge of integrating environmental and social priorities with economic development. IISD is part of the SDG Lab.


The SDG Lab is a multi-stakeholder initiative, led by UNOG, that contributes to the implementation of the SDGs by supporting Geneva-based actors and beyond in further leveraging expertise and knowledge into policy, practice and action.